Panic disorder ….

So we made it to the doctor, well two of us made it, hubby and I - the youngest refused to go even if all he had to do was just sit there. It simply wasn't something he was going to do so after 20 minutes of trying to pry him off of his bed … Continue reading Panic disorder ….

List for doc – is this anxiety?

I/We have an appointment for the youngest today, I'm making a list of things I remember so that I know what to ask about when I get there. Might help to make sense of things too! when he was young I remember days that he would cry and scream out about having to go to … Continue reading List for doc – is this anxiety?


Well it's been a few days since we had a meltdown, the youngest is stubborn as the day is long but he did eventually come to terms with the facts and changed his behaviour! He stayed home from school for two days trying to prove his point over mine I suppose but we stayed strong, … Continue reading Progress